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Etibarlı Saytlar
Nə bəxtiyardır ki, Rəbbə güvənən, təkəbbürlülərə hörmət etməz, yalandan üz döndərməyən adamdır.
(Məzmur 40:4)


For God so loved the world

 One Simple Belief is all that's required 

 0:01  We deserve this, Gesmas, but he does not. 

 0:09 I have sinned, and my punishment is just. 

 0:16  You would be justified in condeming me. 

 0:21  I ask only that you remember me, Lord, when you enter your kingdom. 

 0:33  Amen, I tell you, on this day you shall be with me in paradise. 

 God (The Holy Trinity) created us in Love, (Body, Soul & Spirit) male & female He made us.   We shall return to Him in Love through Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. 

 Remember just one Simple Belief is all that's required 

For God so loved the world that He gave

His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him

should not perish but have everlasting life.

(John 3:16)

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